Articles on boundaries and networks
See also articles by chronology or by topic: global diffusion | state building, nationalism, & war or for the general readership

Racism and anti-immigrant attitudes
Wimmer, Andreas, Bart Bonikowsi, Charles Crabtree, Zheng Fu, Matt Golder, and Kiyoteru Tsutsui. "Geo-political rivalry and anti-immigrant sentiment. A conjoint experiment in 22 countries", in American Political Science Review, 2024. Download
Online Appendix for APSR 2024 Download
Hiers, Soehl, and Wimmer. “National trauma and the fear of foreigners: How past geopolitical threat heightens anti-immigration sentiment today”, in Social Forces 96(1): 1-18, 2017. Read the article here
Louis Wirth Best Article Award of the International Migration Section of the ASA
"Race centrism. A critique and a research agenda", in Ethnic and Racial Studies 38(13): 2186-2205, 2015. Read the article here
Wimmer, Andreas. “Racism in nationalized states. A framework for comparative research”, in Ter Wal, Jessika and Maykel Verkuyten (eds.), Comparative Perspectives on Racism. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2000. Pp. 47-72. Download
Wimmer, Andreas. “Explaining racism and xenophobia. A critical review of current research approaches”, in Ethnic and Racial Studies 20(1):17-41, 1997. Download
Ethnic boundaries and social networks
Kroneberg, Clemens, Kruse, Hanno, and Andreas Wimmer. "When ethnicity and gender align. Classroom composition, friendship cliques, and collective identities in European schools", in European Sociological Review 37(6): 918-934, 2021. Read the article here
Wimmer and Soehl. "Blocked acculturation. Cultural heterodoxy among Europe's immigrants", in American Journal of Sociology 120(1):146-186, 2014. Read the article here
Wimmer and Lewis. "Beyond and below race. ERG models of a friendship network documented on Facebook", in American Journal of Sociology 116(2): 583-642, 2010. Read the article here
Best Article Award of the Mathematical Sociology Section of ASA
“Herder’s heritage and the boundary-making approach. Studying ethnicity in immigrant societies”, Sociological Theory 27(3): 244-270, 2009. Read the article here
“Elementary strategies of ethnic boundary making”, in Ethnic and Racial Studies 31(6):1025-1055, 2008. Read the article here
"The making and unmaking of ethnic boundaries. A multi-level process theory", in American Journal of Sociology 113(4): 970–1022, 2008. Read the article here
Theory Prize of the Theory Section of the ASA
Clifford Geertz Prize for Best Article (honoroble mention) of the Cultural Sociology Section of ASA
Lewis, Kaufman, Gonzalez, Wimmer and Christakis. “Tastes, ties, and time: a new social network dataset using”, in Social Networks 30:330-342, 2008. Read the article here
Wimmer, Andreas. “Does ethnicity matter? Social categories and personal networks in three Swiss immigrant neighborhoods”, in Ethnic and Racial Studies 27(1):1-36, 2004. Download
Wimmer, Andreas. "Multikulturalität oder Ethnisierung? Kategorienbildung und Netzwerkstrukturen in drei schweizerischen Immigrantenquartieren”, in Zeitschrift für Soziologie 31(1): 4-26, 2002. Download