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See also by topic: global diffusion | boundaries and networks | state building, nationalism, & war or for the general readership


Wimmer, Andreas, Seungwon Lee, and Jack LaViolette. "Diffusion through multiple domains: The spread of romantic nationalism across Europe, 1770-1930", in American Journal of Sociology 130(4): 931-975, 2025. Download

Online Appendix for AJS 2025 Download

The replication package can be found on the data page​

See a short summary blog here


Wimmer, Andreas, Bart Bonikowsi, Charles Crabtree, Zheng Fu, Matt Golder, and Kiyoteru Tsutsui. "Geo-political rivalry and anti-immigrant sentiment. A conjoint experiment in 22 countries", in American Political Science Review, 2024. Download

Online Appendix for APSR 2024 Download

The replication package can be found on the data page​


Feinstein, Yuval and Andreas Wimmer. “Consent and legitimacy. A revised bellicose theory of state building with evidence from around the world, 1500-2000”, in World Politics 75(1): 188-232, 2023. Download

The replication package can be found on the data page​


Wimmer, Andreas. “Layered legacies. How the multiple histories of the past 500 years shaped the attitudes of contemporary Europeans”, in Sociological Science 10: 1-46, 2023. Download


Wimmer, Andreas. "Alternative Routes to Nation-building? A Response to Zeynep Bulutgil and Harris Mylonas", in Nationalities Papers 50(1): 193-201, 2022. Download

 This is the response to the reviews of Nation Building by Bulutgil and Mylonas


Kroneberg, Clemens, Kruse, Hanno, and Andreas Wimmer. "When ethnicity and gender align. Classroom composition, friendship cliques, and collective identities in European schools", in European Sociological Review 37(6): 918-934, 2021  Download


Wimmer, Andreas. “Domains of diffusion. How ideas and institutions travel around the world and with what consequences”, in American Journal of Sociology 126(6): 1389-1438, 2021. Download 


Wimmer, Andreas. "Worlds without nation-states. Five scenarios for the very long run", in Nations and Nationalism 26, 2021. Download 


Wimmer, Andreas. "Why nationalism works. And why it isn't going away", in Foreign Affairs 98(2): 27-35, 2019. Download

Watch a talk at Columbia University, a TV interview with the Washington Journal on C-Span, or an audio interview with Columbia's Dean of Social Sciences 


Wimmer, Andreas. "Reply to Tolz and Green", in Nations and Nationalism 25 (1): 97-193, 2019. Download

This is the response to the reviews of Nation Building by Tolz and Green


Chris Bail, Taylor Brown, and Andreas Wimmer. “Prestige, proximity, and prejudice: How Google search terms diffuse across the world", in American Journal of Sociology 124(5): 14906-1548, 2019. Download


Wimmer, Andreas and Chris Miner. “The strategic logic of ethno-territorial competition. Violence against civilians in Africa's civil wars”, in Journal of Global Security Studies 4(4), 2019. Download

Online Appendix for JGSS 2019 Download


Wimmer, Andreas. “Nation building. Why some countries come together while others fall apart”, in Survival. The International Institute for Strategic Studies Quarterly 60(4): 151-164, 2018. Download


Lindemann, Stefan and Andreas Wimmer. “Repression and refuge. Why only some politically excluded ethnic groups rebel”, in Journal of Peace Research 55(3): 305-319, 2018.  Download

Online Appendix for JPR 2018 Download


Wimmer, Andreas. “Power and pride. National identity and ethnopolitical inequality around the world”, in World Politics 69(4): 605-639, 2017  Download 

Read the summary published in Foreign Affairs Download

Online Appendix for WP 2017 Download

The replication package can be found on the data page​


Hiers, Wesley, Thomas Soehl, and Andreas Wimmer. “National trauma and the fear of foreigners: How past geopolitical threat heightens anti-immigration sentiment today”, in Social Forces 96(1): 1-18, 2017.  Download

Online Appendix for SF 2017 Download

Watch a presentation at Columbia University


Wimmer, Andreas and Yuval Feinstein. "Still no robust evidence for world polity theory (reply to Li and Hicks)", in American Sociological Review 81(3): 608-615, 2016. Download


Wimmer, Andreas. "Race centrism. A critique and a research agenda", in Ethnic and Racial Studies 38(13): 2186-2205, 2015. Download

See also the comments by Howard Winant on Ethnic Boundary Making and his reply to the above critique in the same issue of Ethnic and Racial Studies


Wimmer, Andreas. "Is diversity detrimental? Ethnic fractionalization, public goods provision, and the historical legacies of stateness", in Comparative Political Studies 49(11):1407-1445, 2016. Download

Online Appendix for CPS 2015 Download


Wimmer, Andreas and Thomas Soehl. "Blocked acculturation. Cultural heterodoxy among Europe's immigrants", in American Journal of Sociology 120(1):146-186, 2014. Download


Wimmer, Andreas. "Nation building. A long-term perspective and global analysis", in European Sociological Review 30(6), 2014. Download

Supplementary data for ESR 30(6) Download


Wimmer, Andreas. “Ethnic boundary making as strategic action: Reply to critics”, in Ethnic and Racial Studies 37(5): 834-842, 2014. Download

The reply follows after the critiques of Ethnic Boundary Making by Brubaker, Jenkins, Lamont, Louie, and Song on pages 804-833 of the document


Wimmer, Andreas. "War", in Annual Review of Sociology 44:173-1997, 2014. Download


Wimmer, Andreas. “States of War. How the Nation-State made modern conflict”, in Foreign Affairs (online edition), November 7, 2013. Download


Hiers, Wesley and Andreas Wimmer. “Is nationalism the cause or consequence of imperial breakdown?”, in John Hall and Sinisa Malesevic (eds.), Nationalism and War. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. Download


Kroneberg, Clemens and Andreas Wimmer. "Struggling over the boundaries of belonging. A formal model of nation building, ethnic closure, and populism", in American Journal of Sociology 118(1):176-230, 2012. Download

Online supplements to AJS 118(1) Download


Wimmer, Andreas. "A Swiss anomaly? A relational account of national boundary making", in Nations and Nationalism 17(4):718-737, 2011. Download


Wimmer, Andreas and Yuval Feinstein. "The rise of the nation-state across the world, 1816-2001", in American Sociological Review 75(5):764-790, 2010. Download

Online Supplement for ASR 75(4) Download

The replication package can be found on the data page​


Wimmer, Andreas and Kevin Lewis. "Beyond and below racial homophily. ERG models of a friendship network documented on Facebook", in American Journal of Sociology 116(2)583-642, 2010. Download

Online Supplement for AJS 116(2) Download


Cederman, Lars-Erik, Brian Min and Andreas Wimmer. "Why do ethnic groups rebel? New data and analysis", in World Politics 62(1):87-119, 2010. Download


Wimmer, Andreas, Lars-Erik Cederman and Brian Min. "Ethnic politics and armed conflict. A configurational analysis of a new global dataset", in American Sociological Review 74(2):316-337, 2009. Download 

Online Supplement for ASR 74(2) Download

The replication package can be found on the data page


Wimmer, Andreas and Brian Min. "The location and purpose of wars around the world. A new global dataset, 1816-2001", in International Interactions 35(4):390-414, 2009. Download

The replication package can be found on the data page​


Wimmer, Andreas. "Herder’s heritage and the boundary-making approach. Studying ethnicity in immigrant societies ”, Sociological Theory 27(3):244-270, 2009. Download


Wimmer, Andreas. "Ethnische Grenzziehungen in der Immigrationsgesellschaft. Jenseits des Herder'schen Commonsense", in Frank Kalter (ed.), Migration und Integration. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, Special Issue No. 48:57-80, 2008. Download


Lewis, Kevin, Jason Kaufman, Marco Gonzalez, Andreas Wimmer, and Nicholas Christakis, “Tastes, ties, and time: a new social network dataset using”, in Social Networks 30(4):330-342, 2008. Download


Wimmer, Andreas. “Elementary strategies of ethnic boundary making”, in Ethnic and Racial Studies 31(6): 1025-1055, 2008. Download 


Wimmer, Andreas. "The making and unmaking of ethnic boundaries. A multi-level process theory", in American Journal of Sociology 113(4): 970–1022, 2008. Download


Wimmer, Andreas and Brian Min. "From empire to nation-state. Explaining wars in the modern world, 1816-2001", in American Sociological Review 71(6):867-897, 2006. Download


Wimmer, Andreas. “Ethnic exclusion in nationalizing states”, in Gerard Delanty and Krishan Kumar (eds.), Handbook of Nations and Nationalism. London: Sage, 2006. Download


Wimmer, Andreas. “Models, methodologies and metaphors on the move”, in Andreas Wimmer and Reinhart Kössler (eds.), Understanding Change. Models, Methodologies and Metaphors. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2006. Download


Wimmer, Andreas. “Introduction: Facing ethnic conflicts”, in Andreas Wimmer et al. (eds.), Facing Ethnic Conflicts. Towards a New Realism. Boulder: Rowman and Littlefield, 2004. Download


Wimmer, Andreas. "Conclusion: Toward a new realism", in Andreas Wimmer et al. (eds.),  Facing Ethnic Conflicts. Towards a New Realism. Boulder: Rowman and Littlefield, 2004. Download


Wimmer, Andreas. “Dominant ethnicity and dominant nationhood”, in Eric Kaufman (ed.), Majority Groups and Dominant Minorities: Conceptualizing Dominant Ethnicity. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 2004. Download 


Wimmer, Andreas. “Does ethnicity matter? Social categories and personal networks in three Swiss immigrant neighborhoods”, in Ethnic and Racial Studies 27(1):1-36, 2004. Download


Wimmer, Andreas. “Democracy and ethno-religious conflict in Iraq”, in Survival. The International Institute for Strategic Studies Quarterly 45(4):111-134, 2003. Download


Wimmer, Andreas and Conrad Schetter. “Ethnic violence”, in Wilhelm Heitmeyer and John Hagan (eds.), International Handbook of Violence Research. Dodrecht: Kluwer, 2003. Download


Wimmer, Andreas and Conrad Schetter. “Putting State-Formation First. Some recommendations for reconstruction and peace-making in Afghanistan”, in Journal of International Development 15, 1-15, 2003. Download


Wimmer, Andreas and Nina Glick Schiller. “Methodological nationalism and the study of migration”, in Archives Européennes de Sociologie 53(2):217-240, 2002. Download


Wimmer, Andreas and Nina Glick Schiller. “Methodological nationalism and beyond. Nation state formation, migration and the social sciences”, in Global Networks. A Journal of Transnational Affairs 2(4):301-334, 2002. Download


Wimmer, Andreas and Conrad Schetter. “Ethnische Gewalt”, in Wilhelm Heitmeyer and John Hagan (eds.), Internationales Handbuch der Gewaltforschung. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 2002. Download


Wimmer, Andreas. “From subject to object of history: The Kurdish nationalist movement in Northern Iraq since 1991”, in Kurdische Studien 2(1):115-130, 2002. Download


Wimmer, Andreas. "Multikulturalität oder Ethnisierung? Kategorienbildung und Netzwerkstrukturen in drei schweizerischen Immigrantenquartieren”, in Zeitschrift für Soziologie 31(1): 4-26, 2002. Download


Wimmer, Andreas. "Verwischte Grenzen. Zum Verhältnis zwischen Soziologie, Ethnologie und Volkskunde”, in Christian Giordano (ed.), Borderline: die Sozialwissenschaften zwischen Grenzziehung und Grenzüberschreitung. Annali di Sociologia – Soziologisches Jahrbuch 14.1998/99: 311-326, 2001. Download


Wimmer, Andreas. “Globalisations avant la lettre. A comparative view on isomorphization and heteromorphization in an interconnecting world”, in Comparative Studies in Society and History 43(3):435-466, 2001. Download


Mahnig, Hans and Andreas Wimmer. “Country specific or convergent? A typology of immigrant policies in Western Europe”, in Journal of International Immigration and Integration 1(2):177-204, 2000. Download


Piguet, Etienne and Andreas Wimmer. « Les nouveaux 'Gastarbeiter'? Les réfugiés sur le marché de travail suisse », in Journal of International Immigration and Integration 2(1):233-257, 2000. Download


Wimmer, Andreas. "Migration und ethnische Minderheiten (Migration and ethnic minorities)”, in Richard Münch, Claudia Jauss and Carsten Stark (eds.), Soziologie 2000. Special issue No. 5 of Soziologische Revue, 2000. Pp. 154-166. Download


Wimmer, Andreas. “Racism in nationalized states. A framework for comparative research”, in Ter Wal, Jessika and Maykel Verkuyten (eds.), Comparative Perspectives on Racism. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2000. Pp. 47-72. Download


Wimmer, Andreas. "Binnenintegration und Aussenabschliessung. Zur Beziehung zwischen Wohlfahrtsstaat und Migrationssteuerung in der Schweiz des 20. Jahrhunderts”, in Michael Bommes und Jost Halfmann (eds.), Migration in nationalen Wohlfahrtsstaaten. Theoretische und vergleichende Untersuchungen. Osnabrück: IMIS, 1998. Download


Wimmer, Andreas. “Who owns the state? Understanding ethnic conflict in post-colonial societies”, in Nations and Nationalism 3 (4):631-665, 1997. Download


Wimmer, Andreas. "Stammespolitik und die kurdische Nationalbewegung im Irak”, in Carsten Borck, Eva Savelsberg und Siamend Hajo (eds.), Kurdologie. Ethnizität, Nationalismus, Religion und Politik in Kurdistan. Münster: Lit, 1997. Download


Wimmer, Andreas. “Explaining racism and xenophobia. A critical review of current research approaches”, in Ethnic and Racial Studies 20(1):17-41, 1997. Download


Wimmer, Andreas. « L'héritage de Herder. Nationalisme, migrations et la pratique théorique de l'anthropologie », in Tsantsa. Revue de la Société Suisse d'Ethnologie, vol. 1:4-18, 1996. Download


Wimmer, Andreas. « L'État-nation – une forme de fermeture sociale », in Archives Européennes de Sociologie, vol. 37(1):163-179, 1996. Download


Wimmer, Andreas. "Kultur. Zur Reformulierung eines ethnologischen Grundbegriffs”, in Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, vol. 48(3):401-425, 1996. Download

Download an English translation


Wimmer, Andreas. "Lokalkultur in der Globalgesellschaft. Eine transformationstheoretische Perspektive auf das indianische Mittelamerika”, in Hans-Peter Müller (ed.), Weltgesellschaft und kulturelles Erbe. Gliederung und Dynamik der Entwicklungsländer aus ethnologischer und soziologischer Sicht. Berlin: Reimer, 1996.Download


Wimmer, Andreas. “Die erneute Rebellion der Gehenkten, Chiapas 1994”, in 1999. Zeitschrift für Sozialgeschichte des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts 3:59-68, 1995. Download  


Wimmer, Andreas. "Variationen über ein Schema. Zur Infrapolitik des Denkens am Beispiel ei­nes Mythos der Mixe”, in Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 120:51-71, 1995. Download  


Wimmer, Andreas. “Die ethnische Dynamik in Mexiko und Guatemala”, in Hans-Peter Müller (ed.), Ethnische Dynamik in der aussereuropäischen Welt. Zürcher Arbeitspapiere zur Ethnologie 4, 1994. Download


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